Ummm...I don't know about you but I don't know how I feel about three more hours of all these random people who will be in DC for only a week (just imagine the Democratic and Republican conventions combined) an opportunity to get completely sh!tfaced in our city and then leave.
The bill was introduced by council member Jim Graham (D-Ward 1), who represents Adams Morgan and Mount Pleasant, areas that are known for their nightlife.
Andrew Kline, general counsel for the restaurant association, said to the Washington Post, "It's just a few days. All of us are going to be somewhat inconvenienced, but that's outweighed by a wonderful historic event.
I can already see it, I'm gonna be pissed come January 20th. ::sigh::
p.s. I hope the city and SoberRide will also offer free cab rides home for people who are too drunk like they do on New Years...(smh!)