Fab! reader Shakirah, had no shame ranting about Lavar Arrington's restaurant, Sideline that recently opened this past January.
She writes, "I need you to please let everyone know how wack Lavar Arrington's [new] restaurant Sideline is..."

1. They do not allow men to wear any form of athletic gear, but its supposed to be a sports bar. I can understand jerseys but my fiance' can't wear tennis shoes to a place that sells $10 ribs?! This is the BLVD not Melrose!
2.They damn near cavitity searched me before they let me in. Wanded me down, patted me down, and checked my purse.
3. The menu is as long as this message. Not to mention the food was not even that good.
4. They had men in black suits (security) placed all over [the restaurant] like they were secret service. I want to eat my meal and not feel like I'm going to get shot!
On the other hand the decor was nice and I got to meet Lavar Arrington himself, [and other NFL players who] played for the Raiders and the Giants."
Good lookin' out Shakirah!
p.s. Why did another source tell me that this place is more like a gentlemen's club with the waitresses (he called them PG's finest) walking around in booty shorts and such...
Good lookin' out Shakirah!
p.s. Why did another source tell me that this place is more like a gentlemen's club with the waitresses (he called them PG's finest) walking around in booty shorts and such...