It seems that everyone has been talking about 1693's party at Olives (1600 K Street)...many have been giving me their opinion (feel free to leave your comments below!) but here's my opinion:
1693 brought out one of the best looking crowds I've seen in the longest time. With all of the hype surrounding this party thanks to Comcast being there and Rock the Vote encouraging all of us to vote no matter our party affiliations, this party seemed to have it all (although I never saw the free champagne, wine etc.). Oh yea, but they did have Visanthe Shiancoe of the Minnesota Vikings and Brian Westbrook of the Philadelphia Eagles, both DMV natives.
1693 brought out one of the best looking crowds I've seen in the longest time. With all of the hype surrounding this party thanks to Comcast being there and Rock the Vote encouraging all of us to vote no matter our party affiliations, this party seemed to have it all (although I never saw the free champagne, wine etc.). Oh yea, but they did have Visanthe Shiancoe of the Minnesota Vikings and Brian Westbrook of the Philadelphia Eagles, both DMV natives.
(Photo: The line outside of Olives)
One thing 1693 doesn't have a problem doing is getting people to come out. The door was one of the craziest things...I hear people started lining up at 9 PM to get into this restaurant and even still, those without a pre-paid $30 ticket (hmmm) or who weren't with a birthday party were still left standing outside in the cold for almost an hour. And they told you to come fly, one kid paid $200 to get into this party for not being jazzy enough (And you know he let everybody know he spent that much just to let people know he had that much...not fab boo).
One thing 1693 doesn't have a problem doing is getting people to come out. The door was one of the craziest things...I hear people started lining up at 9 PM to get into this restaurant and even still, those without a pre-paid $30 ticket (hmmm) or who weren't with a birthday party were still left standing outside in the cold for almost an hour. And they told you to come fly, one kid paid $200 to get into this party for not being jazzy enough (And you know he let everybody know he spent that much just to let people know he had that much...not fab boo).
(Photo: Miles from Team BBC being interviewed by Comcast anchorman)

(Photo: Rock the Vote rockin' their signage at the event)
Did I mention this is one of my favorite venues? Lovin' the look of the place...
Did I mention this is one of my favorite venues? Lovin' the look of the place...
(Photo: People lookin' lovely in VIP)
(Photo: DJ Harry Hotter on the Apple there a reason why his name rhymes with Harry Potter? Just curious...)
Of course people were too cute to really get down but the DJ kept it coming with the classic party starters. I can't forget to mention how freezing COLD it was on the first floor...and walk a few steps downstairs and it was hot as hell. Get it together.
And yes, you could hear the chicks complaining about this place only having one bathroom from across the party. Don't drink too much here because you'll have no where to break the seal.
(Photo: Nate Zewdu of Talk of DC and Dave of Dave&Ray ...who I was told I couldn't call Sinbad)

(Photo: They were even giving out hats with "It's Your Call with Lynn Doyle" on it...I'm sorry Lynn but you're gonna have to get cuter hats to want me to carry that with me all night and then have to take it home and then even consider wearing it. Cute girl tho.)

Still, if you weren't here then you missed it. 1693, a very accommodating crew (and they look good too), provided a solid boughie party for all those who wanted to parlay, show off and run up their credit card bills.