By midnight, the line was long as usual. It was pretty much a stand still, with an average of two people going in per 30 minutes (WACK!). After realizing the 20$ cover (UGH!) we got in. After the long wait in line, we expected it to be poppin'...but it was just mediocre and hood!!!!
Now that they've added tables and couches in the middle of the dance floor it creates even less space to dance. Of course as we were walking around we kept getting bumped was very annoying.
The Washington Wizards showed up around 1 AM, including DeShawn Stevenson and Caron Butler. They sat at seperate tables. Oh and surprise, surprise the head groupie of the moment, Seezins from Flavor of Love (with her terrible weave and panty line) was dancing around Caron's table with two of her friends. Who does she date on the Wizards??? Hmmmm...
The music was cool as usual and our first round of drinks came to $22 ( I guess that's not too bad). At least the bartender was fast, but she wouldn't give me my card back until she realized that I tipped her appropriately. (Boo!)
Overall, the night was a 6 out of 10 and if we didn't make it into VIP, it would have been a 3. If you're not at a table, I don't suggest going to K Street (1350 K Street NW) on a Sunday night.