Sunday, September 30, 2007


Let's take a many people were unimpressed by the after-events sponsored by the CBC? You; you; and you too? Yea...the swanky-swanks otherwise known as "The Talented Tenth" otherwise known as bougie black people just don't know how to throw a good party. And honestly, did we expect them to?

Still, here's Mya at Love on Thursday, singing falsetto of course.

Shout out to Rep.Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (she's in teal), chairwoman of the CBC. I met her at a reception sponsored by Ford Motor Co. and the Smithsonian. What an amazing speaker!

Other shout outs:

> Floyd! Congrats to a bangin' party at Xanadu on Friday! I can't believe you got hood negroes in button downs but that's wassup. Everyone needs to be upgraded.

> sexy Marc Barnes! I saw him at Republic Gardens yesterday lookin' fabulous. I actually had a good time at RG. It reminded me of a grown-up Hammerjax. From lawyers to hood dudes, they attract a very diverse crowd AND THEY HAVE AC!!!!!!
Random Rant: (Why did this guy [after I told him I don't give out my number] tell me that he has a Bentley outside and that I'd be missing out. NEGRO please...and even if you did, if you net girls off of a vehicle that is diminishing in value everyday then you def don't want me. Upgrade yourself, you loser!)
On to better things:

J. Holiday is coming in town on Tues. October 2 for his album release party at Lotus (1420 K St. NW). His album is called 'Back of the Lac' and comes out on Tuesday. [He's pictured here w/ John Legend's ex-model chick, Jessica White. She looks fab.]

Here's what J said about the concept of his album's namesake, "I wrote this song myself so it was personal to me. When I’m in a state of getting frustrated or mad, it’s just something that I like to do; take a ride in my ‘lac. Everybody has there own little thing."

When asked what kind of Cadillac he drives, he answered, "[A] 1990 El Dorado Coupe, white on white." Must be nice.

Thanks Kim!

Okay honey...more to come later.